11. Mai 2016

Road Lesson 14

Boulder Dam

Man:  What will you do in Las Vegas?

Mark:  First, we will have a look at all the hotels.

Then we will try to get tickets for one of the shows. After that we will play a little.

Man:  You mean gamble…

Mark:  If that’s what it’s called.

Man:  Yes, if you play for money, that is called: gambling.

Mark:  How long will you stay in Las Vegas?

Man:  Oh, we don’t know yet, we have time…we are retired!

Mark:  That sounds good…when I am retired I will travel a lot, too.

And I will buy a good camera and take photography classes.

Man:  That sounds good, too! After travelling I will take time and help my son to build his house.

Mark:  Oh, that is nice. 

In a casino: coins, dice, a slot machine, gain, loss,

Evening attire: casual, business casual, a suit, a gown
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