25. März 2016

Road Lesson 1

Talking on the phone

Susan: How are you?

Bettina: I am fine, thank you!

Susan: When are you leaving?

Bettina: I am leaving here in the morning and I am arriving in Phoenix  at 8 p.m.

Susan: Do you have everything for your trip?

Bettina: Yes, I have our passports, the camera, clothes – what else do I need?


Susan: Do you have Dollars?

Bettina: Yes, I do.


Susan: Hmm, do you have your sunglasses?

Bettina: Oh no, not yet – I must pack them.


Susan: Well, have a safe flight and see you tomorrow.

Bettina: Thank you. Yes, see you tomorrow.



Check list: money, passports, clothes, sunglasses, camera, shampoo, toothpaste

Packing the suitcase: hair dryer, credit cards, rain gear, sunscreen, medicine, bathing suit, emergency phone numbers, hiking boots  

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Choose the right term, please!



Choose the right term, please!



Please translate!



Wir sehen uns morgen.

What's the right term?


Listen and choose the right answer, please!



Listen and choose the right answer, please!


Please choose the right term!